Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's wrong with her hair?

I'm currently in class and we're designing professional portfolios for our "Branding Project."

We have to provide a "professional" picture as part of the portfolio and a young lady with natural hair asked how the photo should look.

My teacher answers the question, then goes on to say "I wouldn't wear a twist-out to an interview...If you hair is long enough to put it in a bun, you should put it in a bun... You hair looks neat [in twists], so you can wear it like that, but that's atypical."

Why? Why is her hair "atypical?!"

My hair grew from my scalp. I can look professional with my hair in a twist-out. If you don't think so, that's not my problem.

My teacher also has natural hair. I just don't understand the "culture" created by "professional" African Americans.

Thinking out loud...

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