Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Internship Chronicles: Day 1

Today, I started my summer tenure at an ABC affiliate as a Mobile Investigative Reporter.

I was weary about working from 12-9pm, but I had a great day, with great people.

I learned how to use EndPlay and published 6 feature news stories. Before today, I was not published at all. :)

It feels great to have all of this support. I hope to keep everyone in the loop with blog posts.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Plight of Undergraduates: Internships

Taking an internship has become a requirement for many students to graduate from college. Many students are ready willing to take an internship, but struggle to find a company that offers compensation.

Kiera Phipps, a junior communications major at Bowie State University, was lucky enough to find two internships this year with Radio One and WUSA9 in Washington, D.C. According to Phipps, networking is the key to getting internships.

Not every student is as lucky as Kiera Phipps. Al Davis, a junior communications major at Bowie State, has applied to numerous internships this year, but has not heard back from anyone. Time is dwindling fast, as summer is just around the corner, “I’ve actually applied to a few internships [for] this summer… I guess I’ll just have to take a 9 to 5.”

Though an internship may be hard to acquire, students do understand the value of an internship. “I would like to have internships and get experience before I get into my profession, because I feel like that would better me and help me put my foot my foot in the door,” said Tre’Vonn Dennis, a sophomore communications major at Bowie State University.

Brandon Williams, a sophomore criminal justice major at Bowie State University, refused to look for an internship this year, because of the lack of pay. He explained that he took an internship at a firm where he would be filming a Human Resource Officer while he was working with companies. He worked hard in the job and received no pay. When he asked his boss, at the time, about compensation, he was told, “This is a good way to get experience.” That wasn’t enough for Williams, as he was starting a life with his fiancĂ©e and was looking for compensation to support his family.

According to Business Insider, companies save about $2 billion every year by hiring interns, 18% of internships are conducted illegally, and women are 77% more likely to work in an internships that is unpaid. Students must receive course credit or compensation for internships in order for them to be legal. In the summer, many students pay tuition, many without financial aid, for an internship credit to take an unpaid internship with a company.

As students prepare for their futures, this is the harsh reality that undergraduates must face if they wish to graduate from their respective universities.